War Hospital

War Hospital försenat till början av 2024

Kommer inte längre ut den 26 oktober.
av: - publiserad: 10 oktober 2023

Utgivaren Nacon och utvecklaren Brave Lamb Studio har försenat realtidsstrategi-/överlevnadshanteringsspelet War Hospital från dess tidigare planerade releasedatum den 26 oktober till början av 2024. Det kommer att finnas tillgängligt för PlayStation 5, Xbox Series och PC via Steam, Epic Games Store , och GOG.

Här är hela meddelandet från Brave Lamb Studio om förseningen:

Dear players,

You have been following our news for a long time and you know that we are committed to making a truly unique game. As the aim of the game is to save people rather than kill them, War Hospital offers a different perspective from other war strategy games. We want to make the game as deep and realistic as possible while respecting the subject it deals with. This is why War Hospital features a range of game mechanics, including management, strategy and role-play. These different systems are complex, and we require more development time than previously thought to find the right balance.

To achieve our authenticity and quality goals, we have decided to extend our development time and push back the release to early 2024. These additional months will allow us to refine details, balance the game and fix more bugs so that you have a more polished game.

Thank you for your understanding, your patience and your support.

Stay tuned for more information about War Hospital soon.

—The War Hospital Team

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Denna Artikel är skriven av: och publiserad den 10 oktober 2023

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